For Oregon

I had a blog post cued up for today, but after the shooting in Oregon it didn’t seem right to act like things were business as usual. My heart hurts for those who lost loved ones and those who will deal with the trauma for the rest of their lives. I am so grieved that […]
Building Your Brand Series pt 3: Find Your Brand Voice

Have you ever noticed that when you hear your own voice on a recording your first instinct is to cringe? It’s not just you, it’s a universal thing and it’s due to this. Weird, right? Anyway, this post is not about your physical voice but your brand’s voice. In the same way that you might […]
My Brand Reveal!

You guys. I finally finished my rebrand! Well let me clarify. I finished my visual rebrand but I’m still working on lots of other tweaks and changes behind the scenes (business cards, updating my etsy shop so it’s consistent with my branding ect). I was going to share little glimpses here on how things are […]
Building Your Brand Series pt 2: Making a Mood Board

In my last post in the Building Your Brand series, I talked about writing a brand statement. Hopefully you’ve done that and are ready for the next step in the branding process: creating a mood board. A mood board can serve as a great visual reference to help you understand your aesthetic leanings. We all […]
The Easiest Fall DIY Project. Ever.

I’m taking a quick break from working on my business branding to do a little fall decorating. Fall is my favorite time of year and I’m itching to break out my sweaters and live on pumpkin flavored everything. (Fun fact: when I was pregnant I absolutely could not stand pumpkin. Just thinking about it made […]
How to: designing a logo

Logo design, just like any design work, is a process and should start with ideas first and artwork second. While every client and project is different, these are a few things I like to do to ensure that I give my clients exactly what they need for their business. the client interview: you got a call […]
New Directions

I’m going to be taking the blog in a new-and hopefully much better!- direction in the next few weeks. I’m going to be focusing on tutorials, peeks into my design process, and even more freebies! I will still share my finished work and more personal stuff but I really want to streamline things to produce […]
Books I Wish I’d Written: What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire

I started working on a new series that features print designs based on my favorite books. The series is ongoing and I’ll add new designs here and on the blog when they are finished. The first in the series is What Matters Most is How Well You Walk Through the Fire, a collection of poetry […]
Free printable: Home Sweet Home

If you love your home/apartment/condo/whatever as much as I do, show it you care by downloading the free printable below. You’re welcome. home sweet home printable