I’m Leaving On A Jet Plane

This week has been a crazy week as I prepare to go out of town for two weeks. Think lots of hanging out with my family, packing, re-packing, cleaning, and writing a ton of lists. While I’m out of town new content will still be posted and I will be checking my email daily, so […]
New In The Shop: Plant Life Art Print

I have a confession to make: I’m a plant killer. I’ve killed 3 ferns, 6 succulents, a polka dot plant, and various other house plants that were sold to me as “hard to kill.” This all within the last year. Alas. I currently have a tropical fern, 3 succulents, and a random house plant (I […]
7 Questions: An Interview with Angela of Enamel

Welcome to the first installment of 7 Questions! The goal of this series is to present a range of business owners and creatives with 7 questions that provide insight into their process, an understanding into how they reach their goals, and get some advice on how any business can grow. For the first interview, […]
Weekend Prep: Unplugging and Recharging

You guys, I am so ready for the weekend! It’s been a busy/stressful week and I’m looking forward to taking a much needed break to spend with family and get some rest. I know the holidays are going to be super busy and if I don’t recharge now I don’t know when I’m going to. […]
Starting and Growing Your Etsy Shop

I’ve been selling in some form or another on Etsy since 2008. I started out making jewelry and eventually transitioned to art prints, paper goods, and offering some design services. When I first started selling, many people had no idea what Etsy was. It took years before Etsy became an almost household name for quirky […]
New In the Shop: Record Player Art Print

I’m in the process of filling up the shop with new art prints and cards for the holiday season. Can you believe that Christmas is only 2+ months away! It may seem long, but people are already buying holiday gifts and they can’t buy what’s not available, right? I’ll be posting some of my new […]
Books I Wish I’d Written: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

With Halloween around the corner, I can’t not indulge in some Harry Potter love. Because I’m a grown up. Anyway, if my youngest was a little older I would be dressing him up as Harry Potter but I know he will never keep on the glasses. Mom problems. Maybe I can dress him up as […]
What Are You Worth: The Value of Design Work + Why You Should Never Work for Free

I’m so excited to be working on several new projects right now! There is nothing better as a freelancer than being busy because it means your making money. I love design but I also run a business. Freelance isn’t free, ya’ll. Which brings me to a much discussed-and argued about-topic: money. Specifically the value of […]
Leyda Design Co branding: A Case Study

I promised that I would go more in-depth regarding my personal rebrand for Leyda Design Co. so here it is! Here’s my current branding style sheet: I’ll take you through why I chose what I chose and why having a niche makes branding so much easier. If you have a business I hope you have […]